Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Mo chuisle" ( my pulse)

This is the second half to the blog piece, I'm supposing that the computer denied me because of a

I specifically requested to write on Sawyers blog...she laughed, as she often does, either at me or with me, not quite certain on that finer point, one never does know with her...
Sawyer requested an interview with me, but this isn't how we first met...
Several days prior I was stepping out of an elevator when she plowed directly into me. I would suppose that this was due to her fumbling with her shoes...she never noticed anything or anyone around her, obviously. Oh sure, she did help me pick up all of the months' work a collosal undistinguishable mess...honestly though? Sawyer couldn't restrain from giggling. I'm fairly certain that I heard her say that she also laughs uncontrollably at train wrecks as well, though don't quote me...
She shook my hand and dashed off...leaving her shoes behind. Of course, I thought, with the temp at 100* who would think enough of the heat to place their shoes back on?
So Sawyer, when I think back...
The interview was set up at Fados, an Irish pub on 4rth street. "why not I thought? " afterall, the mess that was now my briefcase was going to take days to struggle to fix...I walked out onto the outdoor patio, if she recognized me, she never let on. Too busy telling a hilarious story in a Scottish dialect, of course...I however did recognize her, reddish blonde hair, touseled, faded jeans, linen blouse...she eventually jumped up and hugged me, apologizing immediately when I had to lean down (stating that she couldn't help being 'circus short')
Pardon the pun when I state that the others surrounding her began focusing on small talk...but not Sawyer...she asked me if I had lived the life that I had set out to...I gently inquired as to her shoes..she remarked that shoes felt like 'feet prison' and was inclined to set them free, as her sandals eventually found their way onto the stone floor, at quite a distance from her red polished toes...she chewed ice cubes throughout the interview, I never bothered to ask why, because I quickly realized that I would recieve some ridiculous response...Sawyer held me captive with her quick wit, I held her interest with my version of corporate life. When the glass of guiness that I held in my hand shattered she just did the others, apparently this happens all of the time around her, coupled with the oddity of my watch ceasing to comply with my desire for it to continue working...the face cracked, and again, the others merely nodded in affirmation. If you're going to be near her, you learn to expect the unexpected...
I was surprised to notice the hurt on her heart when a song came to play in the background, but of course, she'd not explain...
By the end of the evening I was enthralled by all that is she, Sawyer.
I walked her to her auto, and although I am a married man, I still found myself in an undeniably awkward moment, not desiring the night to end...she said "your wife is forever lucky to have your love and devotion" and promptly took my hand into hers...placing it up onto her heart. "this is all that you'll ever know of me, and I you"
Much to my delight and amazement I came to become one of the characters in her novels. I'm ultimately proud that we became friends, lifelong in fact. Sawyer lives in my heart now, and forever...
I requested to write on her blog, not to tell you necessarily what you already know, but it was the coin story that compelled me...I have to tell you that it brought me back to that particular night. She slipped one of those coins into my suit pocket, saying that it would serve as a gentle reminder of kindess, of being remembered when life took its toll...
What class, simplistic, unconditional love that is she.
It was done for her, and so she does for others...
Her novels are an invitation into her remarkable life, I'm entirely happy that I was invited, grateful that when I read my name I am well aware of what could have been if only I had found her sooner...

He molded the bullets with both precision and the utmost care... Aye they were costly, aye, his Grandmother would have rolled over in her blessed resting place (grave) thrice over. His veracious appetite for her silver pieces would probably damn his eternal soul, but he'd not be detered...those bloody werewolves were handing out silver bits as 'pieces of rememberence', he supposed secret invitations into their family...och, how it sickened dare they? Well he had been collecting them for his own use....
And aye, he'd use them he would....against the beasts that he had come to loathe, against the beasts that had stole his family from him...
He held no concern whether it was the McEwans or the bloddy, he'd exact his revenge soon enough...soon enough...

Well that was my week, I apologize for this weeks blog being broken into two pieces, I suppose there is some rationale there....this week I felt as though I lost my anchor, setting me adrift...but that is the way of it, isn't it? Both Sinners and Saints are cast off into the sea, it becomes our daunting task to bring ourselves back to shore....

Have a wonderful week, full of unexpected delights and happiness!

From my hand to yours,
Saint Andrews

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Gra anois agus go deo" (love, now and forever)

Try this on for size.....the coin story begets more stories...
not one to shy away, I thought I'd share some with you...
Here goes:
"Mine came differently then the others that you've spoke of. I asked him where he recieved the Brazilian piece of silver, he mumbled "dog and duck pub, I was joining the FBI"
I've no real idea what this piece means, what I'm to do with it. Nothing, just a drunk guy that was a friend of a took awhile, but life started to turn around...before you kknow it? It did, right down the shitter. Again. IRS got me 24 k down, I lost it, truly, went totally postal. I threw my wallet at the woman, along with all of my spare change in my pants pocket. She saw the coin ya know? From the guy? Recognized it...picked it off of the desk. "I know this" she preceded to hand me the number of a really excellent tax lawyer. From there, I got out of that mess, quit blaming the rest of the world and fixed my mess. When I tip now? I tip with silver. Don't think that this came from Sawyer, or Robert, but I did get the story. Rock on.

3 friends of Robert, original owner of the piece of silver...
(on our way to Vegas, I remembered)
You warned me, in the subtle way that is you, not ot dive into a pool that was void of water
but what am I if not the one person who would do just that very thing?
So battered and bruised I picked up the phone, telling you everything. At the least, you refrained from offering me the "I told you so's" instead, you spent our time reflecting on the could be' you...
you gently reminded me of what the goal was in the first place. And we laughed, well, at least until I cried.
You said that I would be alright. "give it time, no one crosses all of the bridges on one go around. " I knew that you were right...though it did nothing to alleviate the pain of a shattered heart. You offered that broad, brilliant grin of yours and said " I know how it is, I'd like to think that its different for people like you and I, but it simply isn't. Though our time has passed, I too am in ownership of many, many regrets...all regarding particular. "
So the time went by, many months in fact before you showed up at my door.
"I don't want to live worrying about tomorrow, or the regrets that yesterday held"
"I'm not quite certain what you mean"
"yes you are, I know you...remember? save the games for him."
"Speaking of, 'him' wasn't it you who pointed out the code between friends?" he laughed ....while I noticed how his muscular body filled the frame of the doorway. He explained how rules were mean to be broken...
"You're over thinking things again"
"can't help it"
"yes you kiss me, lets break us some rules baby girl"
I looked over at him, ah he's so attractive I thought..."Whatcha thinking about?"
"marrying you. Are you sure that you want to do this?"
"Absolutely, luckiest man in the world."
"because in about an hour, you're going to be mine, last name and all. Hey now, you're not getting cold feet are you?"
"Worried about our mutaul friend"
"Ah yeah, he who has no name...well, his loss my gain"
Don't you feel a bit guilty?"
"Not especially, I wouldn't be here if he was a good man, now would I?"
"love me forever?"
"yes, you?"
"forever started for me the day that I met you baby girl"
"Oh my gosh..we forgot the rings!"
"no, you forgot, I remembered" later that day, she glanced down at her right hand..."Its beautiful...really, I'm glad that you bought us silver, not gold"
"ah not just any silver baby mans nickle, maid of honors nickle...and mine" tears welled up in her eyes. "you did this for me?"
"no, you did this for us. Don't you remember when you slipped that nickle into my wallet? said it would bring me good luck? well now I realize exactly what that was"
"it was you"
William, Kristin