Sunday, January 31, 2010

50 million people...

Once again, I thank you for all of the support on both of the websites...
Marshall Wayne, you are doing such a tastic job...
Here is more, a lil taste of 'Chronicles of Our Death':
Thoughts of Daniel...
"Out of 50 million men, she was surely set to choose to the one that I felt the most inappropriate. The one that I would not have ever forseen as a viable choice. Not in this lifetime, nor in the next.
Of course, I had no prior knowledge of her relationship status, circumstantially there hadn't been the time.
To be fair to this woman, I hadn't required a background synopsis.
In truth, I asked nothing. The moment didn't lend itself to the discussion. The second that I held the realization that Sawyer and Logan had had a brief affair, I was suddenly faced with the inevitiable emotional exposure. I needn't reveal my private displeasure with her, by the time that she fully comprehended who I was, what we had done, Sawyer immediately left.
At the hospital I sat alone with my thoughts.
All of the things said, sworn, lobbed...I meant it all, even if I'd look you in the face right now and offer you denial. I'd lie to you, just to preserve my state of life, as it precariously stands right at this time.
I wanted to embrace honesty...
I wanted to swim in truths freedom...
But selfishness and self preservation took hold of my senses on that particular night.
Once I understood that she was truly going to fully recover, thoughts of our ordeal swept over me.
I told her, she with the most precious of hearts, that I would love her toujour (always).
That I would stand up against the establishment and take her as my wife, my lifemate.
I swore on everything that I held to be sacred.
I did and said things that I would have never said to any other woman, my wife included.
Yes, that last statement did include the most obvious of detrimental actions on my part.
My life, prior to walking into that building, was, in all likelyhood, very much a common one.
I could've been you.
I kept my word to others, I held my friendships close- I never betrayed a counsel.
I would've described myself to others as a solid younger brother, and colleague.
When we...when were alone, scared to death, I lost it...I lost all sense of right and wrong.
Is that an excuse? Is it an impossibility to find yourself in an extraordinary situation and react with insanity?
I did.
Now here's the truth. I looked Sawyer in the eyes, and she has soulful amber eyes, by the by, and told her everything that a woman should have the pleasure of hearing at least twice in her life.
Once by your first love. I would assume that he did, indeed say all that I did.
But, seeing as how I was to be the last, I felt it imparitive to spout them all off as well. Not to out do the first love, Robert (ah and he was french OF COURSE) but I offered her marriage as well.
And then I discovered that my older brother had loved her all to well, just the year prior to our meeting.
Damned man had never even mentioned the affair, I suppose Logan didn't love her? By the looks of things, Logan did what he always does, loves for the moment- then runs like hell when it becomes too tough...too real.
And now here I was, doing the very same thing to her. This isn't me. It isn't at all...
Knowing that he touched her though- wow, that blew me away...not what I would have expected.
I asked her to apologize for it. I understand that you're going to hate me for it. Simply hearing my thoughts sickens me as well. I just needed her to apoplogize...why him? How many men are in the world I asked? How many to pick from, but you pick my brother...
Sawyer apologized to spare my pride, but by her eyes she told me that I was an ass. That it made no real sense, that she couldn't have possibly had the foresight to know that she'd be common with the both of us. I certainly never saw it coming...
Well, it's a mute point now, right?
They had their time, she and I had ours. She left the hospital abrubtly, and you just know that I'm going to chase after her.
Logan has decided that he too, cannot let her go. Great. I'm certain that he'll use my words against me.
Ugh, how the heck did this happen? Logan met me here, and the minute her name was brought into conversation I knew.
He knew.
And I'm more than certain that she heard the news long before I walked into the hospital room furious at the imagined betrayel.
Before I left her side...she asked me this one thing, if she were to ever let go, would I stand tall and hold tight, keep her from going?
I said yes.
I lied.
What have I done? What have I done to an innocent woman, an unsuspecting my children...oh man to my life?"

So that is what I've been working on this week, and it has been a extraodinarily difficult time.
The work became overwhelming with the first book being sent out, finally. (Simotaniously)
I wouldn't send anything that wasn't simply pristine.
As far as Chronicles of our Death, if you really dislike Daniel, Logan, than I have done my job, lol.
The book, in its entirety was written with all three (yes, there is another man...) mens' input.
I know all of them well and they are, in actuality great guys. If you met the guys, you'd never realize where the story came from, well, perhaps after a few drinks one of us would spill...
You never know...

I need to thank Brent this week, he gave me the idea for the outline, subsequent story.
He yells at me without raising his voice...ugh.
Still makes me laugh though.

We are placing a pre-order (pay pal acct) for anyone wanting the first copies, signed books coming out.
I truly hope that you enjoy the series, and go on to further find joy in Prevenient Grace and the body of work arriving soon...
Its humbling placing this all in your hands, but if we don't take a chance than it does nothing
but gather dust yeah?

I would like to comment on 'waiting' to live your dreams...
Unless you know how many days are left to you, please stand up and find your hearts passion and grab life by the collar.
I write in latin for a specific subtext...I do so because I have to believe that the message will reach...will extend...

Now, as most of you know, I have a really dark sense of humor and if you e mail me I have two amusing stories to tell. I'm only 5' tall, so they are stories of my adventures with the wee people.
Please do not blast me for being politically incorrect, I already know that I am lol...

Have a wonderful, blessed week...

From my hand to yours,

Saint Andrews