Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 29 2009 Cor Unum (one heart)

Haec ego multis (scribo) sedtibi: satis enin magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus...
Probably my favorite phrase/saying in latin...
It begins the subtext for all of my novels.
In this I am most consistent.

This week sees 2 models flying on over to Maine for a photo shoot, ultimately for the book cover, (Pater Nostras Canis Dirus).
I'll post pictures of their adventures as soon as I have them. Should be interesting I think!
We are hoping for a black and white cover...I had originally hoped for a different appearance, however locating men of such elevated stature who would willingly pose proved to be quite daunting.
A youthful heart, I'm finding, is extremely difficult to find amongst my peers...maybe we all simply choose to forget how to laugh,
how to explore ,
what to do when life throws its curves at us...
We are who we always were, merely wiser (I hope) which is why I wrote the men in all of my novels the way that I did.
I wanted you to witness what could happen if we were released...
to find ourselves,
albeit dealing with impossible odds... as immortals... weighed down both with our mundane daily lives and that of the extraordinary measures needed to be taken to maintain that unique, foreign, standard way of life.
What would you do with all of that newly found freedom?
Would you soar? Would you leave your current life for another?
Would you pursue your deepest darkest needs?
As I ask this, I am fully aware that the mere action of placing pen to paper perpetuates this in my very own life...
So you'd ask of me... just where is it that I do so stand?
I soar.
We only have one shot at this life, sink or swim I can't imagine a life taken with no risks...
This week I was subtly reminded of the frailty of life, perhaps that is what ultimately reminds me to write in the manner in which I do...
I spoke of Pennington. In his circumstances, he found himself entirely lost amongst the mediocrity of the life that he had chosen for himself, until her.
Until she came... he hadn't recognised the fall that he had begun to take... the fall into the black death of boredom.
Within this novel he flies, he witnesses things that he could never have even begun to dream of...
So, I too write to live, albeit somewhat vicariously as of late.
This week I've been working diligently on the sequel, Cross Dominance...
You know its strange... when you leave a novel to its natural completion, you find yourself longing to write a sequel, if not to simply revisit the folks that you've been writing about.
Being a scribe means feeling all that they feel, all of their triumphs, every single failure...

Well, that concludes this weeks updates.
As you can see, I've a tremendous amount clouding my thoughts...
nothing negative mind you, yet none the less, clarity comes and goes when you have so much going on at once!
Someone once remarked that my thought process seems chaotic... hmmm I might just agree with that assessment on this day!
All the best...
From my hand to yours,
Saint Andrews