I bore witness to true love
the truest love
from a man who would openly tell you
that he does not love superficially
only delves into
your heart
His daughter rushed into his arms
after having been away
for a time
and time is so brief in childhood
as we all are keenly aware
His blue eyes danced
Sparkled with untold joy
the depth that only a parent knows for his child
his head tossed back with laughter
news of her day
tales of her violin lesson
lightened his heart
As I looked on
I thought ah, so he loves with depth
how amazing
and how fortunate
for those that he truly loves
in his life
his friends
those he mentors
There were words of anger spoken across a table
ones that I chose not to respond to
yet he did
he reached across the wooden barrier
ignoring the others who would ruin the moment
between friends
and extended his strong hand
He asked of me
What would you like to say Sawyer?
my response was in latin, for his ears only
because he was well aware of the secret behind the hair falling down to my shoulders
"Alis volat propris selum proferre, alis grave nil"
I barely whispered
In response he offered this:
John made a promise to you, keep my hand in yours and hear this Sawyer:
"Haec ego multis scribo sedtibi sal is enin magnum alter alteri sumus. Truth? I am learned, but I will lead you your life long, if you'd afford me this role."
I understood his meaning, nodded to John for his input, a promise fulfilled, grateful.
Addressed the man before me
Keeping hold of his hand, mind you
I will follow,
if not to know your brilliance
to find my own
more than this
to die in your arms
when the time comes
Where else would I fall
but into the arms of the man whose eyes
dance so freely?
who brings me home
in every moment
every bout of laughter
every embrace of shared pain
tears that are wiped and felt deeply in both of our hearts and lifted by the mornings light?
I witnessed those blue eyes
tearing up
welling with emotion
when he stunningly
top hat
and announced
that today was the last day
that I should realize curious anxiety
Let's put this to rest
the question that stands between us
I want you to know that everyday
I will be in it
and you will be here
for me
And so I ran
through the water
through the street
and onto hollowed ground
vowing to love with honor
What a privaledge
each and every morning
to bare witness
to those baby blues
the sweet, sweet love that they silently speak
Our children
they see this everyday
as well
There will come a time
long after they have grown and moved away
when we pass
hopefully I before him
when I will fall into his arms one last time
go to my rest
the summerlands
with the love of family
and the memory
of the eyes that saw through everything that is me
directly into my heart
and loved me
in spite
of any flaws
or misgivings...
His daughter will marry
love and be loved by a man extraodinary
because the bar had been set so high
by a man
so remarkable
Have a wonderful, blessed week
enjoy the sentiments
From my hand to yours,
Saint Andrews