Transitional life isn't for me...
I saw you long before you knelt
proclaiming the stay;
the way of it all
I stood corrected
stunned at the revelation
of you
To those in your extensive past
you were better served as a vague memory
To me
the strength provided
presented me with the future
one that would prove to be all encompassing
We ran straight into one another
Beauty radiates
not always where we'd expect
as I soon discovered
just after the rendition revealed itself
I'm often asked if I'd do it all again-
any regrets?
I've a few
however our pasts dictate who we become
to change that
alters the path
"Dimitte Praeterita"
Letting go, leaving things behind to forge ahead
forgetting to believe
losing infinite hope
yet somehow persevering
Hopefully you've logged on to authorhouse.com and ordered your copy of the first book in the Pater Nostras series, The Garrison Effect. While the title had been switched (to Pater Nostras Canis Dirus) the first installment is well worth the read.
A great mind vacation...
Here's a clip from book two that may help enlighten you on the "why" in the title etc.
About the series:
"Pater Nostras Canis Dirus" or what is commonly referred to as "The Dire series" are a compilation of 10 novels.
Beginning with explanation of the title PNCD a latin reference to "our father (of) the Dire wolf".
This occurred by directive of my son Sage who desired definitive knowledge of werewolves, not the current lure resonating within the general population at large.
Hence birthed "The Garrison Effect", novel one.
This provided the first glimpse into the true origin of the (lycan) Dire as seen through Garrison Hastings eyes. We journey from the 1100's to present day, acquiring knowledge of all that it is Dire.
In the second installment, the novel "93 Kilometers to the better" we find the descendants of the original Dire realizing their destiny, thereby becoming wolf.
Old meets new.
The weave of this tale begets action in both Texas and amongst the Highlands of Scotland. Join us, quench your thirst for the knowledge...
feed your hunger with the tell, the unprecedented insight into the lives that had previously only existed in the shadows...
Learn what it is to be Dire...
Feel the exhilaration of immortality
the immense power...
Placed in their respective order:
"The Pater Nostras Canis Dirus" (The Dire wolf series)
"The Garrison Effect"
"93 Kilometers to the Better"
"The Dire"
"Cross Dominance"
"I am Tagon"
"The Mongrels"
"Rafeal Ab Initio" (From the beginning)
"Rafeal Ab Antiquo" (From the Ancient)
"Rafeal Ab Aeterno" (From the Eternal)
I hope that your holiday was wonderful and blessed!
From my hand to yours,
Saint Andrews