Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis."

And I should know such cold as to draw in winters breath at a time when summer broaches the horizon

The season of telling existence

Would the world bow weeping at a tale sobering and tangled?

For the years lapsed,

rebuilding offered the only respite

I could be a million miles abandoned and feel the pang of sunlight in absence

Endless days of perseverance in witness to contempt's' breech of truth

Scarred for the passive apologetic(s) who would capture the right in lieu of honest hardship

Facades are arson to justification

Reaction, afterall is symptomatic of origin

Spoil the battle weary and bloodied

Negate glorification of those drowning in veiled squander

Reciprocation of loves endurance is the preventative measure;

ingredient to avoid latter blame

And I should know such a glorious story told

of passion riddled with anguish to better fold in a blind enemy

than vest a friend less respect...

From my hand to yours,


Saint Andrews