Ex Animo (from the heart)
A very taxing week was this, attempting to write, fomulate thoughts from mind to paper with so much going on ( the holidays)
both great and distracting...
However, I was able to manage another chapter, in 'Cross Dominance'
grateful for that accomplishment. I will reveal this to you: this book is seemingly a far darker work then its prequel...and why not? Didn't you desire to know why these characters acted in the manner that they did?
Ah tis a truth that we all require, by our hearts, the truth of the matter...
The majority of our lives we will never know the answers, but to you, I reveal...
Lol, of course, within the sub text mainly.
Why place a tell within a tell?
Because layering one's words provides the palate with so much more texture...thoughts that will most assuredly linger...
follow me into the recess of the darkest corners of our minds...
Penningtons biological brother has been introduced, Cutter, and he presents the opportunity for the reader to feel the changes that occur whilst becoming lycan, emotionally and physically.
Also there in lyes the disclosure of an older brother, objectively seeing his brothers life from the outside in, subsequently the more personal, subjective discovery that quite possibly he never really held any true understanding of his blood from the begininng...
I enjoy taking this journey right along with you...keep in mind that as you read these passages, I have met almost all of the men that you read of.
Men always remark "We are basic, simple"
Such an understatement in my view. They may be less comlex in the big scheme of things, but in reality its the simplistic approach that does so become brutal in nature to women who need to understand
Because its the holiday, let me leave you with this holiday writing from several years ago...
A Fortiori, with yet stronger reason
The remembrance cometh
check your hands...warriors bound by this nights arrival... sealed with wounds of past
Risen from the mist
amongst the fog, blended into the cycles of survival...
ye, the moment cometh
so shall the calls for gathering are shouted, pitched to the heavens...
come they will
each individual standing motionless in their respective positions...
so rises the Lodge of The Thirteenth lunatation, led on this night, this time, by a man bearing island blood...
bearing the mark...3 points of recognition so ignites all who's memory does so serve them well..
He becomes father to your essence tonight and there after...
He is the seeker of stone with anodized imprints guiding his way...scaping the path before him with beams of bright white light...
He carries the well for the gathering to take place...
The only place that the paths entwing us all will cross...
Of equal dominance...footing...
equal in passionate spirit
The keeper
And so they dance...and dance they must
Fre..dance they will..
as it was then in their time
spinning, dizzying the participants, so shall it is now...
Quite the quandry when you do not even recollect until the remembrance is swirling around you...
Ponder this well
for the fight begins in the caves of those who came before us
you and I
By the very same luminus that these weary eyes have witnessed in so many lifetimes before
We come together
he is known
he is welcomed
so say we,
The Lodge of The Thirteenth Lunatation
For we are the keepers
we carry that which you cannot
Aquam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem
remember when lifes path is steep
to keep your mind even
Have a great week,
enjoy every moment that you are blessed with
From my hand to yours,
Saint Andrews