Monday, May 10, 2010

Ethan Hastings

Wasn't she something to arrive here, at this time?

I hadn't expected it so soon, in fact I felt rather ambiguous about pressing her for more than the prior meeting at the Oasis.

We had eaten together, amongst the others, my friends, family in religion.

I was to be the one chosen and was formally aknowledged at the meeting, which for me on a personal level

quite validating.

Grateful that she had been there to hear it for herself.

Why not? If one man is to be exhalted, to do so amongst others offers a man a great deal of pride.

Perhaps that is what drew her to my offices in the first.

She had somewhat an idea of who I am. Afterall, she wouldn't have been Sawyer without the research would she now?

I looked over to her, remarkably comfortable amongst our kind. She knew us all to well, but this was to be the way of it wasn't it yes? Sawyers comfort zone was amongst her own.

For myself, this is where I thrive; religion aside, the thrill of the conquest being one thing, substantiating it quite another. I held stay.

This she recognized in my person on the immediate.

I held gratitude for that gift.

I wanted to be known by her, relished in her inquisitive mind, particularly regarding myself.

And now she was here, to challenge me no doubt. Neither one of us having a remote idea of what the future would hold for us.

Just recalling the memory of that second meeting brings elation.
Sexy, passionate the both of us, and what would further define we.

She wore a tan pencil skirt, white blouse, no shoes...unyielding to my immediate will, I decidingly to refuse hers.

To get what she wanted however, Sawyer was willing to compromise.
Afford me a bite to her shoulder and she would be afforded a glance at the Grand Grimoir.
Why not?

She'd know our ways soon enough yes?

Her blood tasted rich, soothing really...

I held her in my arms for a considerable amount of time afterwards, reluctant to allow the moment to pass us.

That was her you know?

A contridiction to be certain.
Sawyer didn't flinch, perhaps that is why I knew that she'd be mine at some point.

Standing on the mount, sword in hand, today I fight for what was mine all along.

I will never afford Brodrick his passion, his quest.

Today I slay the man who would see himself take on the Dire, the werewolf...

He knows naught what he gathers in the way of a fight.

He will lose everything beyond this fight he seeks with myself.

Brodrick goes to the summerlands without her in hand...

Ethan Hastings