Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Darling of chaos

For love and everything after Rome
say the eternal sinner to the captured saint
The sanctuary of quest now fulfilled

He lifted her up into his arms and whispered hoarsely "Marry me for everything that we can and will be together, honor me by taking my name."
Tears of elation escaped her eyes of amber
knowing that she'd leave this life dying in the arms of the one who had unselfishly saved her life
loved her with no condition

He is of the brave
this she knew as truth from the beginning
holding audience enough for one
He asked how he was to know of her?
relequishing not a thing;
fighting the insecurities vested, pressing through the heavy storms that raged
sheilding her from the hurt of the world

In rome he took her to Prevenient Grace,
his darling of chaos...
Dancing in the fountain of wishes
her spirit soared
his strength gave her the promise to see to the morrow

There was no where she could hide from way he made her feel
he'd catch her running in any case
quite alright to lose the race to a man worthy of the win
but he knew that
he'd been a nomad his life long
curtains drawn
he hung his head in sorrow
begged the midnight air for just

and she walked in

They exchanged names
after having lost themselves to the raging world outside

Taking her for a truck ride
down an old dirt road
in her pretty lil dress
until she saw
through his eyes
and he
through hers

Be who you are
nothing more

and she smiled brilliantly
to his radiance

This is who I am proclaimed he
she loved him to the core of his soul
summing up the seal that she'd pledge to him
he ringed her finger
pledging a life free from debris

For love and everything after a holiday in Rome
my darling of chaos
to us
to the morrow...